Employee appreciation comes in many forms. Today its form is celebration. Secberus wants to take an opportunity to highlight the achievements of one of our own, Oldrin Bataku, for receiving not just top marks, but the top mark at the invitation-only 2021 Western Region US Cyber Challenge Cyber Camp.
In order to be invited to the Cyber Camp, Oldrin first had to compete in the USCC Cyber Quest. He scored first place in the Cyber Quest and was thereafter invited to attend Cyber Camp. He and his team scored first place in the Capture the Flag competition at the end of a weeklong intensive educational program. The camp focuses on specialized cybersecurity training and includes workshops and presentations led by college faculty, top SANS Institute instructors, and cybersecurity experts from the community.
At Secberus we place a lot of value on our people. As a startup we have a great opportunity and privilege to build a diverse community of intelligent, respectful and curious individuals. That’s why when one of our own gets the chance to participate and excel, we don’t want to miss the opportunity to talk about it. Congratulations, Oldrin! It’s no wonder we call you Oldrin the Magnificent.