June 26, 2023

Fausto Lendeborg featured on Cyber Pro Podcast

Cyber Pro Podcast, the fast-paced, conversational podcast hosted by Rick Mischka, is 5 questions in 9 minutes. Fausto and Rick’s conversation is broken into bitesize snippets all under two minutes. Topics covered include: The difference between cybersecurity and governance Secberus and the Cloud Balancing business goals with a good security posture What Cloud Native really […]

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June 20, 2023

Your Cloud Migration is Better with a Cloud Governance Strategy at its Core

Bold statement? Maybe.  Honestly, it’s the 20/20 hindsight thought of every CISO who’s felt the pain of a migration, merger or acquisition. It’s that moment of panic regarding the utter ignorance of what is in the cloud they just adopted and are now accountable for. Invariably, the first step is to get help. And rightly […]

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June 13, 2023

Three Cloud Security Use Cases Best Solved With Cloud Governance

Maybe you’re migrating to the cloud and about to hire a System Integrator, maybe you’ve recently merged with another business or company and have no idea what’s actually in your cloud, or maybe you are drowning in false positives with no way of eliminating misconfiguration debt. In each of these situations (and really so many […]

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